
What We Do for our Community

Ensure public safety and continuity of interagency communication

As a seasoned, experienced, and current career Alameda County prosecutor, I have an expert-level understanding of what promotes and detracts from public safety. When people are victims of crimes, including property crimes, it can instill a sense of uneasiness and a lack of security. My priority is to ensure that Pleasanton remains a safe place for all residents.

  • Promote Transparency and Community Support for Law Enforcement
  • Law enforcement should be both transparent and supported by the community. I am committed to ensuring that our law enforcement is both effective and accountable by fostering a strong relationship between our city police and the prosecuting agencies.

  • Ensure Accountability for Those Who Victimize Our Community
  • Those who victimize the civilians in our community should be held accountable. I will work tirelessly to ensure that those who commit crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, providing justice for victims and maintaining the safety and security of Pleasanton.

Measured Development and Retention of Open Hillside Space

With the state government pressuring us to create thousands of housing units—and thousands more in the next decade—it is imperative that the community’s voice is heard and collectively executed. As a member of the planning commission, I was heavily involved in the planning process to meet those state mandates. I am deeply familiar with the tension between meeting housing requirements and maintaining our commitment to Open Space.

  • Ensure community input is prioritized in the face of state housing mandates.
  • Protect foothills and maintain the serene character of the Pleasanton ridge.
Water, Budget, and the Future

Those who govern the city are not just governing for today’s issues: they are building the foundation for what Pleasanton will be 10, 50, or 100 years from now. With 16+ years of local government experience, I have seen that a healthy future Pleanton is inextricably linked to the choices we make for today. My approach is always future-focused, fiscally conservative, and ruthlessly pragmatic.

  • Address future challenges with Pleasanton’s water supply and PFAS mitigation
  • Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water is a serious national issue where these harmful chemicals have leached into the region’s groundwater for more than half a century. While the city is on track for addressing this, we will need to stay vigilant with the 2 planned new wells.

  • Protect the city’s financial infrastructure through careful examination of expenditures and programs
  • The city budget is a moving target with economical factors largely outside of the city’s control. Balancing what we can’t control with pragmatic measures is the key to sustainability.

  • Scrutinize and challenge new state laws that impact growth, inflation, and local governance
  • The “one-size-fits-all cities” approach from the State is based on philosophical and empirical assumptions that are a poor fit for Pleasanton. Our city needs someone with the experience and know-how to challenge statewide policies and implementations that don’t serve the particularities of our community.


As the chairperson of the Planning Commission, housing for our teachers, and government workers was my priority. During the most recent state mandated RHNA rezoning cycle, I put forth several novel ideas and approaches to accomplish these goals: One of them included encouraging the school district to work with a developer to use parts of their unused property to create housing for school teachers and administrative staff. This would help attract and retain top quality educators, in a time we are seeing too much teacher turnover. This is a no-brainer, win-win idea for Pleasanton families and this important work needs to continue.

  • Prioritize affordable housing for local teachers, city and county workers, and middle-income residents.
  • Ensure housing for Pleasanton residents and their families who are being priced out.
  • Focus on senior and family housing for those who contribute to our community.
  • Continue efforts from my tenure on the housing and planning commissions.
Contact / Write Us

For those of you in District 4, please do not hesitate to reach out to talk.